Saturday, February 11, 2006

Holy crap

It has been literally ...a long time.

To avoid writing for 3 days, I'm gonna stop this one dating further back than a week ago.

Once upon a time, last friday, I decided to drive to Edmonton. I went to edmonton, and it was good.

I met up with my Caitrin, and we had a blast, among other things, rode the roller coaster, went to the science center and acted like 8 year olds playing with the magnetism and sound displays etc. That evening watched an IMAX film about india, more 'visit india' than anything else, it was cool. What else? Caitrin made an awesome asian curry beef thing, mmmmmmmm...just finished the leftovers, they were amazing.

On the rollercoaster I got my picture taken, with Andy, Kevin, and Caitrin next to me. man, that was a rush!
We arranged for all of us to be doing the same goofy look, but andy was oblivious to the instruction, thinking the 'flash was just to fuck you up' and make you really dizzy. Silly Andy!
Looks like he was having fun anyway :D

Not long now, looks like the Edmonton will grab me from the suction of the vortex that is medicine hat. I will hopefully be moving by march. woohoo! This is a big step for me, never been 'away' from home, but I know everything will go okay.

Today I'm gonna put my EL wire in my unicycle wheel, make it all flashy, woohoo! I'm sure there was more of note, but I forgot it, time to I dunno, do this more often, geez I'm a slacker.

Thought of the week: While I was driving back home from Edmonton, I thought to myself, US policies are crap. When you're working at a convenience store, and somebody hypothetically robs you at gunpoint, you give them the money, and maybe all the cigarettes they can carry too, so they dont kill you. This is published, its not worth your life to risk for them killing you. But terrorists say they're gonna blow shit up, if they dont get whatever change, and we are the exact opposite, 'we wont negotiate' and they kill people, they blow shit up, and fly planes into buildings. wtf?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Not tired!

Okay, so heres the update...holy crap a post from the MORNING!!!

Table of contents.
  • ribs
  • unicycle
  • Guitar Hero savegame :'-(
  • miss my girlfriend, but not long till I see her
  • jared visit
  • panago
  • huge monitor
  • tech support
The other night my dad decided we should as a family have ribs...he stayed up late boiling them, then the next day I came in and roasted them, then broiled them with some awesome bbq sauce. man, they just fell off the bone. it was soooooooooo good!

My unicycle feat has come to include almost being able to mount without a wall to hold for support, and for distance, a controlled 20-30 meter ride, I only stopped because I ran out of 'straight' to keep going. Next up - Turning!

So I was playing guitar hero...and instead of career, I was on quick play, which means theres an extra 'enter your name' screen before the savegame. it was sat on the name thing, as I was turning it off. Just as it started the shutdown procedure, I was twiddling with the buttons causing it to start the save procedure. Shit. Lost my scores, but more annoyingly my progress. :'-( I hope it didnt corrupt anything else on the card!

Jared came over for a visit today, he's lost his license and was kinda bored. We played some Need for Speed...that was fun, new game to me, so it was quite fun. The next day while Jared was working he invited me to panago for some free pizza or whatever...gave me the back-room tour, eating some cinnamon stick things. ........The next day he got fired. Thankfully not because I had been there, but his boss had a hate-on for him. Poor guy. He'll be okay though, jobs seem to come (and go) easy enough, so he'll be fine.

I hoked up the gargantuan 24" dell lcd monitor for my dads new computer. That thing is beautiful. for a while I had it rotated 90ยบ and told windows to rotate the other way, so basically, I had a 9:16 1200x1920 monitor, it was crazy, you could ENTIRE webpage with the thing, all at the same time!

Tech support sucks. that story is boring, but tech support for Bell sucks.

Now...On to some real fun stuff.

Nothing has happened since I outlined what is going on in the last few days, so really, this is the boring part, but the title of the area was to cheat you out of not reading this, thus saving your precious time.

Ooh Ooh! I got an appraisal done to get the leather in my car redone....lets just say, I could have them platinum plated for the cost this guy wants for vyniling or panel replacing them.
