Sunday, September 17, 2006


Holy shit batman - I posted!

Where to begin? forget the last few in...I forgot everything about them, so just imagine they never happened.


Where to begin? Tonight (last night) we played park tag, of the fishy in the water variety. This may not sound astounding, because isn't. It's AMAZINGLY ASTOUNDING. It was fun enough to overpower the 5 degree (*c) raining wet cold metal on deadly broken fingers cold. The fish aspect is that the person whom is "it" for tag, cant use their vision. Only sound and touch. The park equipment we were on was insanely slippery, and the metal was too cold to touch (most people's gloves were soaked through pretty quickly). It became even more interesting when we involved 2 'it' people in one game. There was little collaboration between the it's, but thats okay, better for us to escape. *the other 10 people who were not it ;)

Then 9ish rolled around, and we headed back. everybody was cold, and tired. A small group of us went to BP's for some grub. That was pretty terrible service, but hey, it was late.

After that andy and I played some uuber Civilization 4 multiplayer style. That game absorbs souls faster than the sum total of souls quantifiably sucked into Blizzard's servers in a decade, hourly. Holy crap, great game. We did on average poorly, but the difficulty was kinda hard. That said, the difficulty was 4/10. 10/10 the game laughs at you before you start. 1/10 you can destroy continents with your weakest units.

What else...

Andys birthday was a few days ago. I got him juggling clubs so I can coerce him into learning to juggle then we can partner juggle 6 clubs. That'll be a blast to do on the LRT or other public places.

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