Monday, January 30, 2006

Too tired

Too tired to post right now...but this is a list to remind me of the things that happened, so I can post about them tomorrow

  • ribs
  • unicycle
  • Guitar Hero savegame :'-(
  • miss my girlfriend, but not long till I see her
  • jared visit
  • panago
  • huge monitor
  • tech support
Thats about it...we'll see.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Another Friday

Regular header, "what to start with today?"

How about chronological order?

Okay, so, 1am this morning, going to need to be up at about 9am, so I want to sleep. Took a dose of nyquil, the greatest shit ever invented. Promptly slept. Slept well. Alarm went off at 9 and I woke quite happily to the sun in my window. Reason I was getting up early - the plumber was coming to fix a problem I've had with my toilet for quite some time now. Specifically, the tank wasnt bolted on, and it leaked :S. Without going into too much detail about this crisis, the water damaged the hardwood behind the wall the toilet is on. Somebodys gotta pay for that. The plumber was kinda a dick, insinuating that I must have loosened the bolts to create the problem, since 'his guys would never leave a job uninspected like that'. Fuck him. On the plus side, he tightened the bolts that I could have done myself, but really...if I touched it, it could be my fault. Back to my main story: I got up so this guy would arrive and fix it, and be on his way. He forgot to come here I am, up when I dont have to be, waiting for someone who isnt going to show up. I call my mom who calls the contractor who calls the plumber to an answer of "oh shit, there soon". More of this story will unfold in the future.

Called up Evan today. Havent talked to that guy in person in a long long long time. Odd how things like that work out. I blame myself for not keeping in touch enough. So anyway, we head out to pasta-bilities. Amazing resturaunt. Roger made us some great pasta - Rigatoni with some spiced tomato sauce, with meatballs. Great deal!

Then we headed to the mall and played a few rounds of DDR...he's getting pretty good, I cant say as I did anything amazing, but still amazed the hell out of the crowd :D That was a fun, 5 dollar afternoon...

Seven o'clock rolls around, and its time to go volunteer. It was a good time. The kids werent bad, especially not good though. Really loud, as if hyped up on caffiene or something. By the second hour my brain, and body was shot. I just walked around the Y making sure kids were where they were supposed to be. For the last few minutes, I sat doing nothing, exhausted.

Watched Bubba Ho-Tep. That movie sucks. On the good movie scale, its a 3.5 out of 10. On the 'bad' movie scale, its a 4 out of 10. Its not good at being an entertaining movie, nor a good mockable bad movie. That movie just....sucked. The writer/director should have his ass kicked twice...for both writing, AND directing it.

Nothing else of note today...thats just, my day. You're Welcome!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Worked today

Another day

Went out with mom today, to verbally kick the shit out of the plumber who poorly installed my toilet allowing it to leak and wreck the hardwood in my room. Worked much Much better than just using the phone. The plumber (even though we've waited 3 months) is coming on 24 hours notice now :D weeeeeee

Work was okay, at the end. Had to fix a mistake a new-trained co-worker made, causing me to cut my hand. Stupid kid....he should try harder. Also, we had pay-per-view hockey on, which, to fault the satalite company, they didnt (after we paid for the program) enable our reciever, so the people who paid 12 bucks a ticket missed the first period while I waited on hold to rectify the situation. Everybody got their money back, one pissed off crowd I tell you.

Its a slim chance, but great news! Caitrin mentioned my name to her aquaintance game-tech/owner operator of southern music. He was complaining about needing a technitian...she suggested! ME! So, albeit slim, I might have a kickass (for me) job all ready for when I move to edmonton! yay!

Sleepy time!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back home again

Where to start...

Saturday (21st) I was feeling like crap from my flu, sore throat, headache, all the stuff you hear on commercials. It sucked. Talked to Caitrin while she was at work just after lunch. She really missed me, and to be frank, I really missed her. So, I took some Asperin to stave off the death in my head, and drove up there.

Arrived about 10pm, and its a little chilly, but not cold by any means.

Nothing of note really, other than now its the 25th, so I got to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, shopping, movie at home, dinner party (THANKS LINDSEY!) ..mmmm perogies!.

On my last day there, today, (the 25th) I dropped Caitrin off at work, and went to the BMW dealership to get a look taken at my car. A while back I bumped a curb, and the rollbars popped up out of the trunk, THROUGH the back window of my softtop. I was quite dismayed. As it turns out, the rollbars arent ballistic like airbags, but spring loaded, and resettable! They reset them in about five minutes, FOR FREE! Also, the tech told me how to properly input the security code in my stereo and it works again! The back window to replace is gonna be HALF the price I thought it was going to be, so overall, I'm very happy.

I was quite awake for the drive home, and it passed quickly. I miss my Caitrin. Moving to Edmonton soon though, so it'll all be well soon.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Beginning

Well, I've never recorded my thoughts anywhere before, no diaries, blogs, or journals.

Where to start?

How about a story...from tonight:

Today I was driving with Andre to the resturaunt for his birthday. He noticed we passed a police vehicle, and it seemed to start moving as we passed. A few blocks later Andre noted that it was behind us. To be sure it wasnt just coming close to me, I changed lanes, and kept my driving on its best behaviour. The Police vehicle pulled in behind me after a short pause. "He's just going the same place as me" I said. 'flash flash flash flash' from behind the car. (how do you onomatapiea police lights?).
Pulls me over, "license and registration/insurance please". I hand it to him, "any problems"? I say. "No, just I noticed the back window was broken"... (thats another story, its covered with duct tape)..." making sure the vehicle isnt stolen, since I couldnt see your plate I pulled you over". "Where are you headed tonight" he says, in a friendly tone. "Taking my buddy Andre here for his birthday supper at Kelceys, see we just got finished volunteering at the Y 'teen night' where we make sure they have a safe place to hang out on friday nights...keep em off the streets, you know"? I grabbed my jacket and pulled it open to show the 'Y' logo on my shirt.
"Have a great night" He says, and walks away.

That was my non-adventuresome adventure of the day.