Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Beginning

Well, I've never recorded my thoughts anywhere before, no diaries, blogs, or journals.

Where to start?

How about a story...from tonight:

Today I was driving with Andre to the resturaunt for his birthday. He noticed we passed a police vehicle, and it seemed to start moving as we passed. A few blocks later Andre noted that it was behind us. To be sure it wasnt just coming close to me, I changed lanes, and kept my driving on its best behaviour. The Police vehicle pulled in behind me after a short pause. "He's just going the same place as me" I said. 'flash flash flash flash' from behind the car. (how do you onomatapiea police lights?).
Pulls me over, "license and registration/insurance please". I hand it to him, "any problems"? I say. "No, just I noticed the back window was broken"... (thats another story, its covered with duct tape)..." making sure the vehicle isnt stolen, since I couldnt see your plate I pulled you over". "Where are you headed tonight" he says, in a friendly tone. "Taking my buddy Andre here for his birthday supper at Kelceys, see we just got finished volunteering at the Y 'teen night' where we make sure they have a safe place to hang out on friday nights...keep em off the streets, you know"? I grabbed my jacket and pulled it open to show the 'Y' logo on my shirt.
"Have a great night" He says, and walks away.

That was my non-adventuresome adventure of the day.

1 comment:

Jon Mastel said...

I have gotten another.
Welcome to Blogger Jamie.