Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, the cd player jammed again. As it turns out those deflated thingamers were really the cause of the problem, and well...caused it again.

FM tuner time!

Sidenote - ITG2 related, I finally finally beat all the 10's!!!

Sidenote number two: Andy loaned me the book Snow Crash. I've had it for months now, having only ready 5 pages. Just yesterday I picked it up again and I'm loving it. Read that book.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Hrm. Not really sure what even to bring up.

I had to jank the cd player out of the trunk of my car. It has 2 problems
1) It is mainly a steel box, mounted inside, on little airbags is the cd changer itself. One of these airbags has gone flat, so it no longer provides nice cushy support for the player. = skippy skippy. I think it also caused problem number 2...
2) The cd cartridge (6 disk holder thing) ejected, not by the changer's choice, but rather by a bump, leaving a CD in the player, and a cartridge sans one disk. This turns out to be a problem in that the player refuses to try to eject a cd back into a cartridge that its not 100% sure doesnt have a disk in that slot. THUS, it wouldnt turn on. just read "Err" on the screen. Not good.

ANYWAY, took the bastard apart tonight and through careful manipulation of the integral bits of the workings and such, I pulled the cd out from its deadly clutches. I only cut myself twice. Fingers bleed lots. Putting it back together was a chore x3, and getting it remounted in the car was less than fun...silly Germans. That said - it works now. I burned the Pendulum album I got from andy, who got it from Kevin. It's a D&B Mix, with a promenant melody over a vastly changing bassline. Wow, is it ever mixed for my car's stereo. Wow.

Car stereo aside...I need a life.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Worky Work work...then work

Well, its almost the end of July, and the work contract is almost up with the Federal government. Or is it?!

My boss suggested to me theres ONE position available at the regional office as 'computer gopher'...basically all the awesomeness I do for the census, but with a raise and a cushier 25'th floor office. They're holding out on actually telling me whether I get the job or not, when I start, job specifics, wage etc... driving me crazy, because I still dont know how to plan my August if I can or can't get it.

Time to get ready for work, I guess :)

The Conference formerly referred to as Canadian DDR Conference, formerly known as the
Western Canadian DDR "Rhythm Games Canada Conference 06" falls early August, I'll be going along to supervise and of course take part. It looks to be a lot of fun, ~6 hours of driving to Saskatoon, in a rented van full of friends. Details to come.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Oh yeah

I got a *** on In The Groove. It's not that special, but its pretty cool, first one.
I would have preferred to have gotten 9 or less Excellents, but hey, that would just be greed.
On the left hand side is andy's score. We are SO close on all of our scores recently. It's sick.

2 Days


I worked for 9 straight, and got 2 days in a row off. WHAT did I do with them?

well... I'll tell you. Yesterday, the 17th of July, I slept essentially in till 6pm.
Today, I slept till 1pm.

I need to make more friends around here (self-realisation at this point that I'm slowly becoming a sap.) The friends I do have are awesome to the n-th degree, but everybodys gotta work, so I never see any of them.

Back in time - a few days

At the Edmonton International (I love how there's international stuff here) Street performers festival, I talked with a gentleman about his act after he was done, the logistics of running a show, having fun, showing off, and making money. He was managing his show from New Zealand, where he works half the year, then busks the other half while globetrotting. I'd love to do that.

Had a lan party at andys the other night, Starcraft over network is the bomb. Then, carrying my computer back into my building a drunk guy came up and INSISTED I was gonna drop something (I was carrying the tower under one arm, the lcd in the other, and the keyboard etc in a bag with the monitor arm) he kept trying to grab the monitor from me, and he could barely stand up. I understand he was trying to help, but he nearly made me drop the screen. I had to compromise and let him carry the keyboard bag, so that he felt helpful. Then we got to my apartment (he lives in my building), and he just walks in the door before me. What if I had a dead cat hung as an ornament in the entrance? Not that I would, thats a terrible thought, but you dont just walk into peoples my opionion. He put my keyboard on the stove, and left, closing the door behind him. I reopened as I'd left the computer outside the door to free a hand to unlock. He was a little hissy that I immediately reopened the door. Drunk strangers...

Friday, July 07, 2006

Bet you thought I'd forgotten about you!

Well then...
A good friend of mine showed me his collection of handmade chainmaille samples, and I thought I should make something. I also had a plan to fabricate a choker/collar for my good friend Kattia - Well...8 hours, 316 titanium rings, and plenty of learning later, I had made this!

I got a little name plaque engraved, and drilled some holes in the edges, then wired it on with some plastic coated steel wire.

The clasp is really simple - a small brass padlock, pictures of it ON Katt are to come :).

The rest of my life? not much, simply been doing the Census help line job to pay the bills. Perhaps I'll update again one day.