Friday, July 21, 2006

Worky Work work...then work

Well, its almost the end of July, and the work contract is almost up with the Federal government. Or is it?!

My boss suggested to me theres ONE position available at the regional office as 'computer gopher'...basically all the awesomeness I do for the census, but with a raise and a cushier 25'th floor office. They're holding out on actually telling me whether I get the job or not, when I start, job specifics, wage etc... driving me crazy, because I still dont know how to plan my August if I can or can't get it.

Time to get ready for work, I guess :)

The Conference formerly referred to as Canadian DDR Conference, formerly known as the
Western Canadian DDR "Rhythm Games Canada Conference 06" falls early August, I'll be going along to supervise and of course take part. It looks to be a lot of fun, ~6 hours of driving to Saskatoon, in a rented van full of friends. Details to come.

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