Sunday, November 05, 2006

2 more months, its about time :D

Well then, from what I remember of last night I had a blast! The hallowe'en party / Dave's belated birthday party was lots of fun. Tonnes of awesome people showed up, and almost everyone ended up smashed. It was a good time, except at my drunkest I did a few too many after that point, and became Thanks Dennie for giving me a ride home! For the first time in ages (like 6 years) I threw up because of drinking. Thankfully it was only a little bit and I didn't get hung over at all!

I was once again Weird Al, however this time around I was his character from the video White and Nerdy. *the gangsta version. It worked out well, most people identified with what I was going for.

I'm uuber uuber super duper uuber in the hole, but not worried about it. Car repairs suck. After I get all these done it'll be safe for the winter, I'll hold on to it until the spring at which time I think I'll get the most for a convertible. plans really fade off to nothingness.

Work, I've finished with the census long ago, and started working with Dave at the Varscona hotel. I'm the maintenance guy who fixes stuff. it is good. The people make it worthy of me being around. My only problem in the world is I really need more cash. THEREFORE, I must find something that pays more, and quickly.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Notice to anyone doing what I'm doing...

Do not attempt to operate motor vehicles or heavy machinery when under the influence of tired.

Is it just me, or since when is there a traffic circle with yields to LEAVE???

Anyhoo, Almost got t-boned by running a yield sign.

Monday, September 18, 2006

A new journey

Today I embark on a journey. I journey from the land where I am familliar. A journey to the unknown. It's kinda scary.

Fact of the matter is, I have this amazing ability to stay up later than nessecary. I have a similar ability to sleep in afterwards.

These facts cause me to do something silly - become noctournal. This is bad. If I dont sleep proper hours, I'm doomed for a 9-5 job, let alone being doomed in general. As much as I dont like it, society runs on a 9-5, and its not gonna stop for me. Therefore, I've begun. As of yesterday, where I didnt WAKE UP until 7pm, I started, and now, 16 hours later, I'm almost there. I just have to stay awake for another 8ish or more hours. Then my cycle will be reset where I'll be incredibly tired, when I should be tired, and I will sleep in, till early the next morning. This skipping a day thing is a double edged sword. It will solve all the worlds problems (in my little world). It will also be incredibly hard to stay up much longer.

11:32 am. This is pushin it. The bed is calling me. I need something to take my time up. If only I could program, or build lego, or something. I need meaning for the next little while.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Holy shit batman - I posted!

Where to begin? forget the last few in...I forgot everything about them, so just imagine they never happened.


Where to begin? Tonight (last night) we played park tag, of the fishy in the water variety. This may not sound astounding, because isn't. It's AMAZINGLY ASTOUNDING. It was fun enough to overpower the 5 degree (*c) raining wet cold metal on deadly broken fingers cold. The fish aspect is that the person whom is "it" for tag, cant use their vision. Only sound and touch. The park equipment we were on was insanely slippery, and the metal was too cold to touch (most people's gloves were soaked through pretty quickly). It became even more interesting when we involved 2 'it' people in one game. There was little collaboration between the it's, but thats okay, better for us to escape. *the other 10 people who were not it ;)

Then 9ish rolled around, and we headed back. everybody was cold, and tired. A small group of us went to BP's for some grub. That was pretty terrible service, but hey, it was late.

After that andy and I played some uuber Civilization 4 multiplayer style. That game absorbs souls faster than the sum total of souls quantifiably sucked into Blizzard's servers in a decade, hourly. Holy crap, great game. We did on average poorly, but the difficulty was kinda hard. That said, the difficulty was 4/10. 10/10 the game laughs at you before you start. 1/10 you can destroy continents with your weakest units.

What else...

Andys birthday was a few days ago. I got him juggling clubs so I can coerce him into learning to juggle then we can partner juggle 6 clubs. That'll be a blast to do on the LRT or other public places.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, the cd player jammed again. As it turns out those deflated thingamers were really the cause of the problem, and well...caused it again.

FM tuner time!

Sidenote - ITG2 related, I finally finally beat all the 10's!!!

Sidenote number two: Andy loaned me the book Snow Crash. I've had it for months now, having only ready 5 pages. Just yesterday I picked it up again and I'm loving it. Read that book.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Hrm. Not really sure what even to bring up.

I had to jank the cd player out of the trunk of my car. It has 2 problems
1) It is mainly a steel box, mounted inside, on little airbags is the cd changer itself. One of these airbags has gone flat, so it no longer provides nice cushy support for the player. = skippy skippy. I think it also caused problem number 2...
2) The cd cartridge (6 disk holder thing) ejected, not by the changer's choice, but rather by a bump, leaving a CD in the player, and a cartridge sans one disk. This turns out to be a problem in that the player refuses to try to eject a cd back into a cartridge that its not 100% sure doesnt have a disk in that slot. THUS, it wouldnt turn on. just read "Err" on the screen. Not good.

ANYWAY, took the bastard apart tonight and through careful manipulation of the integral bits of the workings and such, I pulled the cd out from its deadly clutches. I only cut myself twice. Fingers bleed lots. Putting it back together was a chore x3, and getting it remounted in the car was less than fun...silly Germans. That said - it works now. I burned the Pendulum album I got from andy, who got it from Kevin. It's a D&B Mix, with a promenant melody over a vastly changing bassline. Wow, is it ever mixed for my car's stereo. Wow.

Car stereo aside...I need a life.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Worky Work work...then work

Well, its almost the end of July, and the work contract is almost up with the Federal government. Or is it?!

My boss suggested to me theres ONE position available at the regional office as 'computer gopher'...basically all the awesomeness I do for the census, but with a raise and a cushier 25'th floor office. They're holding out on actually telling me whether I get the job or not, when I start, job specifics, wage etc... driving me crazy, because I still dont know how to plan my August if I can or can't get it.

Time to get ready for work, I guess :)

The Conference formerly referred to as Canadian DDR Conference, formerly known as the
Western Canadian DDR "Rhythm Games Canada Conference 06" falls early August, I'll be going along to supervise and of course take part. It looks to be a lot of fun, ~6 hours of driving to Saskatoon, in a rented van full of friends. Details to come.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Oh yeah

I got a *** on In The Groove. It's not that special, but its pretty cool, first one.
I would have preferred to have gotten 9 or less Excellents, but hey, that would just be greed.
On the left hand side is andy's score. We are SO close on all of our scores recently. It's sick.

2 Days


I worked for 9 straight, and got 2 days in a row off. WHAT did I do with them?

well... I'll tell you. Yesterday, the 17th of July, I slept essentially in till 6pm.
Today, I slept till 1pm.

I need to make more friends around here (self-realisation at this point that I'm slowly becoming a sap.) The friends I do have are awesome to the n-th degree, but everybodys gotta work, so I never see any of them.

Back in time - a few days

At the Edmonton International (I love how there's international stuff here) Street performers festival, I talked with a gentleman about his act after he was done, the logistics of running a show, having fun, showing off, and making money. He was managing his show from New Zealand, where he works half the year, then busks the other half while globetrotting. I'd love to do that.

Had a lan party at andys the other night, Starcraft over network is the bomb. Then, carrying my computer back into my building a drunk guy came up and INSISTED I was gonna drop something (I was carrying the tower under one arm, the lcd in the other, and the keyboard etc in a bag with the monitor arm) he kept trying to grab the monitor from me, and he could barely stand up. I understand he was trying to help, but he nearly made me drop the screen. I had to compromise and let him carry the keyboard bag, so that he felt helpful. Then we got to my apartment (he lives in my building), and he just walks in the door before me. What if I had a dead cat hung as an ornament in the entrance? Not that I would, thats a terrible thought, but you dont just walk into peoples my opionion. He put my keyboard on the stove, and left, closing the door behind him. I reopened as I'd left the computer outside the door to free a hand to unlock. He was a little hissy that I immediately reopened the door. Drunk strangers...

Friday, July 07, 2006

Bet you thought I'd forgotten about you!

Well then...
A good friend of mine showed me his collection of handmade chainmaille samples, and I thought I should make something. I also had a plan to fabricate a choker/collar for my good friend Kattia - Well...8 hours, 316 titanium rings, and plenty of learning later, I had made this!

I got a little name plaque engraved, and drilled some holes in the edges, then wired it on with some plastic coated steel wire.

The clasp is really simple - a small brass padlock, pictures of it ON Katt are to come :).

The rest of my life? not much, simply been doing the Census help line job to pay the bills. Perhaps I'll update again one day.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A view from the top!

Well, contrary to ...common sense, I snuck onto the roof of my apartment complex. its a BEAUTIFUL view. I wish I'd taken a camera. It's so beautiful, I want to do it again, just to take a picture. Maybe one evening when its not so miserable out (its was 3 degrees and blowing a hooligan), I could drag some friends along to just, hang out :D

how stonerish!

Thats all. I'm on top of the world after that.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I got the job!

Perhaps I should explain back...

I moved to edmonton, and tonnes of new things are happening in my life. One of those things, is rent. I have to pay rent or be evicted then die. I have applied at a variety of places, and few have gotten back to me.
Few, except Statistics Canada. I totally already know how much this rules, pill-head! (inside joke). I hope it can offer enough hours, if not, I'll still be looking for ANOTHER job, but until then I'm gonna do whats best: gloat!

It is a good day to work in a call center?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

What a BLAST!!!

Tonnes, and tonnes of beer fueled mayhem. Got to play with all sorts of fun stuff at Michelle's party. She had a brand new set of leather cuffs, quite nice, however they could have been lined nicer. Would have been harsh for longer term stuff. Everybody at the party was fun, and fun. I must thank Michelle for having such an awesome invite ratio-- There was me, 4 guys, 2 of them were gay...and over a dozen attractive AND nice women! Hot damn!

Thats all for now, more updates after another booze fueled mayhem experience.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Starting to feel like home...

Today I had kind of a loner day...

Let's see...I took back the aquarium topper light that I bought, because I found a topper with a light built in. Yesterday I traded in my Sharks. I'm gonna miss those guys, but I cant keep 40 gallons of brackish water (halfway between ocean salt levels, and fresh). That salt is expensive, and for only 3 fish? blargh.

I went to Home Depot, and bought a couple cans of spray on varathane clearcoat. I have to waterproof the new table I bought from IKEA to put the aquarium on it - so I sprayed that, and now it just needs an aquarium placed on top of it. Luckily I have one, I just have to it.

The day passed - andys gonna call me soon, with either a red or green light on the 'going out and getting smashed' plan.

Shortly ago, I cooked! First time I've cooked in this house, and it not been just scrambled eggs (which I've gotten pretty good at making) I wish I'd taken a picture. It was Hicory rubbed chicken breast, with brocoli and baby potatoes. full :D

Talk to you later!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Big move!

I really have to start doing this daily, theres been weeks of cool stuff, toasted to oblivion by my bad memory.

I do know before I left, I was in a heap of shit with having to clean, pack and generally prepare to move everything I know, live, and do to Edmonton. Well anyway, the big day has arrived, and gone.

I now live in Edmonton, a block west of the Southgate mall. It's a 13 story hi-rise, but I'm on the ground floor with my own entrance.

Super special uuber thanks to Andre, and his lovely girlfriend; Kattia. They did easily as much or more work than I did packing and preparing. I am infinately grateful. Making the trip even better was Andy, and Dave. Theres another girl whose name escapes me, but thanks to her too! I arrived and within an hour we were sitting on all moved in comfy furniture covered in boxes - drinking beer. This whole 'moving' thing is tough...;)

For anyone interested, my new phone number is my old one, minus 6610045 (and the area code is now 780)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

At least other people in my life are happy.

At least...

So last night we watched a crazy crazy movie. "Immortal" ("Immortel" en francais). It was a weird mix (well done I might add) of almost life-like CG and live acting. I'm gonna burn it before I return it to Blockbuster. I cant decide if I like it because its a good good movie, or a good bad movie, either of which judgements earns it a place on my 'borrowed movie shelf'.

Andre seems really happy with Kattia. Kattia seems really happy with Andre. How depressing.
Congrats guys!

Only one week till I am living in Edmonton. The truck I'm borrowing is lined up for this coming weekend. I have friends helping unload when I get there so it'll be a good time all around. Perhaps then I can stop being such a moping sack of shit. Seriously, who wakes up crying for no reason?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Well Then

Not a whole lot of news. well, tonnes actually, but I dont care to write it.

Caitrin and I broke up.

I'm still moving to edmonton, but this is gonna suck by myself.

I hurt too much today. Volunteering made it feel better, but not enough.
I had a (1 pint) beer...and felt tipsy...chugged some water, and felt better, then drove home from st. pattys bar thing...but I didnt feel safe. dumb. I know I was concentrating enough, but shit. that was dumb.

I bought some DL dvd media, 8x, not bad (max my drive does in DL mode)...
anyhoo, so I bought these things a ten pack for 36 bucks...


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oops, I forgot about blogging.

Obviously I dont stick to this well...its been weeks, and I dont wanna backtrack all that.

stuff happened, it was awesome, I will comment however on:

Caitrin, Kevin, and Andy came down to the big Medicine Hat. Kevin had never seen the centre of the universe before. *fixed*. Dragged em out to Sushi Miso, they loved it, *I dont do the sushi thing, but I bet I'd enjoy it eventually.* Overall a great time!

Well, I'm moving. End of march, I will be living in Edmonton. wow.

Kinda scares me.

Life will go on, and it will be good, the people will rejoyce. Yes. I hope that lady gets back to me about the computer job. I will need the $$$ or I'm gonna be toast.

I got a new DL dvd burner. A cheapie model, internal 16x. I like it. Now to get some cheap media :D

Till next time!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Holy crap

It has been literally ...a long time.

To avoid writing for 3 days, I'm gonna stop this one dating further back than a week ago.

Once upon a time, last friday, I decided to drive to Edmonton. I went to edmonton, and it was good.

I met up with my Caitrin, and we had a blast, among other things, rode the roller coaster, went to the science center and acted like 8 year olds playing with the magnetism and sound displays etc. That evening watched an IMAX film about india, more 'visit india' than anything else, it was cool. What else? Caitrin made an awesome asian curry beef thing, mmmmmmmm...just finished the leftovers, they were amazing.

On the rollercoaster I got my picture taken, with Andy, Kevin, and Caitrin next to me. man, that was a rush!
We arranged for all of us to be doing the same goofy look, but andy was oblivious to the instruction, thinking the 'flash was just to fuck you up' and make you really dizzy. Silly Andy!
Looks like he was having fun anyway :D

Not long now, looks like the Edmonton will grab me from the suction of the vortex that is medicine hat. I will hopefully be moving by march. woohoo! This is a big step for me, never been 'away' from home, but I know everything will go okay.

Today I'm gonna put my EL wire in my unicycle wheel, make it all flashy, woohoo! I'm sure there was more of note, but I forgot it, time to I dunno, do this more often, geez I'm a slacker.

Thought of the week: While I was driving back home from Edmonton, I thought to myself, US policies are crap. When you're working at a convenience store, and somebody hypothetically robs you at gunpoint, you give them the money, and maybe all the cigarettes they can carry too, so they dont kill you. This is published, its not worth your life to risk for them killing you. But terrorists say they're gonna blow shit up, if they dont get whatever change, and we are the exact opposite, 'we wont negotiate' and they kill people, they blow shit up, and fly planes into buildings. wtf?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Not tired!

Okay, so heres the update...holy crap a post from the MORNING!!!

Table of contents.
  • ribs
  • unicycle
  • Guitar Hero savegame :'-(
  • miss my girlfriend, but not long till I see her
  • jared visit
  • panago
  • huge monitor
  • tech support
The other night my dad decided we should as a family have ribs...he stayed up late boiling them, then the next day I came in and roasted them, then broiled them with some awesome bbq sauce. man, they just fell off the bone. it was soooooooooo good!

My unicycle feat has come to include almost being able to mount without a wall to hold for support, and for distance, a controlled 20-30 meter ride, I only stopped because I ran out of 'straight' to keep going. Next up - Turning!

So I was playing guitar hero...and instead of career, I was on quick play, which means theres an extra 'enter your name' screen before the savegame. it was sat on the name thing, as I was turning it off. Just as it started the shutdown procedure, I was twiddling with the buttons causing it to start the save procedure. Shit. Lost my scores, but more annoyingly my progress. :'-( I hope it didnt corrupt anything else on the card!

Jared came over for a visit today, he's lost his license and was kinda bored. We played some Need for Speed...that was fun, new game to me, so it was quite fun. The next day while Jared was working he invited me to panago for some free pizza or whatever...gave me the back-room tour, eating some cinnamon stick things. ........The next day he got fired. Thankfully not because I had been there, but his boss had a hate-on for him. Poor guy. He'll be okay though, jobs seem to come (and go) easy enough, so he'll be fine.

I hoked up the gargantuan 24" dell lcd monitor for my dads new computer. That thing is beautiful. for a while I had it rotated 90ยบ and told windows to rotate the other way, so basically, I had a 9:16 1200x1920 monitor, it was crazy, you could ENTIRE webpage with the thing, all at the same time!

Tech support sucks. that story is boring, but tech support for Bell sucks.

Now...On to some real fun stuff.

Nothing has happened since I outlined what is going on in the last few days, so really, this is the boring part, but the title of the area was to cheat you out of not reading this, thus saving your precious time.

Ooh Ooh! I got an appraisal done to get the leather in my car redone....lets just say, I could have them platinum plated for the cost this guy wants for vyniling or panel replacing them.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Too tired

Too tired to post right now...but this is a list to remind me of the things that happened, so I can post about them tomorrow

  • ribs
  • unicycle
  • Guitar Hero savegame :'-(
  • miss my girlfriend, but not long till I see her
  • jared visit
  • panago
  • huge monitor
  • tech support
Thats about it...we'll see.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Another Friday

Regular header, "what to start with today?"

How about chronological order?

Okay, so, 1am this morning, going to need to be up at about 9am, so I want to sleep. Took a dose of nyquil, the greatest shit ever invented. Promptly slept. Slept well. Alarm went off at 9 and I woke quite happily to the sun in my window. Reason I was getting up early - the plumber was coming to fix a problem I've had with my toilet for quite some time now. Specifically, the tank wasnt bolted on, and it leaked :S. Without going into too much detail about this crisis, the water damaged the hardwood behind the wall the toilet is on. Somebodys gotta pay for that. The plumber was kinda a dick, insinuating that I must have loosened the bolts to create the problem, since 'his guys would never leave a job uninspected like that'. Fuck him. On the plus side, he tightened the bolts that I could have done myself, but really...if I touched it, it could be my fault. Back to my main story: I got up so this guy would arrive and fix it, and be on his way. He forgot to come here I am, up when I dont have to be, waiting for someone who isnt going to show up. I call my mom who calls the contractor who calls the plumber to an answer of "oh shit, there soon". More of this story will unfold in the future.

Called up Evan today. Havent talked to that guy in person in a long long long time. Odd how things like that work out. I blame myself for not keeping in touch enough. So anyway, we head out to pasta-bilities. Amazing resturaunt. Roger made us some great pasta - Rigatoni with some spiced tomato sauce, with meatballs. Great deal!

Then we headed to the mall and played a few rounds of DDR...he's getting pretty good, I cant say as I did anything amazing, but still amazed the hell out of the crowd :D That was a fun, 5 dollar afternoon...

Seven o'clock rolls around, and its time to go volunteer. It was a good time. The kids werent bad, especially not good though. Really loud, as if hyped up on caffiene or something. By the second hour my brain, and body was shot. I just walked around the Y making sure kids were where they were supposed to be. For the last few minutes, I sat doing nothing, exhausted.

Watched Bubba Ho-Tep. That movie sucks. On the good movie scale, its a 3.5 out of 10. On the 'bad' movie scale, its a 4 out of 10. Its not good at being an entertaining movie, nor a good mockable bad movie. That movie just....sucked. The writer/director should have his ass kicked twice...for both writing, AND directing it.

Nothing else of note today...thats just, my day. You're Welcome!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Worked today

Another day

Went out with mom today, to verbally kick the shit out of the plumber who poorly installed my toilet allowing it to leak and wreck the hardwood in my room. Worked much Much better than just using the phone. The plumber (even though we've waited 3 months) is coming on 24 hours notice now :D weeeeeee

Work was okay, at the end. Had to fix a mistake a new-trained co-worker made, causing me to cut my hand. Stupid kid....he should try harder. Also, we had pay-per-view hockey on, which, to fault the satalite company, they didnt (after we paid for the program) enable our reciever, so the people who paid 12 bucks a ticket missed the first period while I waited on hold to rectify the situation. Everybody got their money back, one pissed off crowd I tell you.

Its a slim chance, but great news! Caitrin mentioned my name to her aquaintance game-tech/owner operator of southern music. He was complaining about needing a technitian...she suggested! ME! So, albeit slim, I might have a kickass (for me) job all ready for when I move to edmonton! yay!

Sleepy time!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back home again

Where to start...

Saturday (21st) I was feeling like crap from my flu, sore throat, headache, all the stuff you hear on commercials. It sucked. Talked to Caitrin while she was at work just after lunch. She really missed me, and to be frank, I really missed her. So, I took some Asperin to stave off the death in my head, and drove up there.

Arrived about 10pm, and its a little chilly, but not cold by any means.

Nothing of note really, other than now its the 25th, so I got to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, shopping, movie at home, dinner party (THANKS LINDSEY!) ..mmmm perogies!.

On my last day there, today, (the 25th) I dropped Caitrin off at work, and went to the BMW dealership to get a look taken at my car. A while back I bumped a curb, and the rollbars popped up out of the trunk, THROUGH the back window of my softtop. I was quite dismayed. As it turns out, the rollbars arent ballistic like airbags, but spring loaded, and resettable! They reset them in about five minutes, FOR FREE! Also, the tech told me how to properly input the security code in my stereo and it works again! The back window to replace is gonna be HALF the price I thought it was going to be, so overall, I'm very happy.

I was quite awake for the drive home, and it passed quickly. I miss my Caitrin. Moving to Edmonton soon though, so it'll all be well soon.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Beginning

Well, I've never recorded my thoughts anywhere before, no diaries, blogs, or journals.

Where to start?

How about a story...from tonight:

Today I was driving with Andre to the resturaunt for his birthday. He noticed we passed a police vehicle, and it seemed to start moving as we passed. A few blocks later Andre noted that it was behind us. To be sure it wasnt just coming close to me, I changed lanes, and kept my driving on its best behaviour. The Police vehicle pulled in behind me after a short pause. "He's just going the same place as me" I said. 'flash flash flash flash' from behind the car. (how do you onomatapiea police lights?).
Pulls me over, "license and registration/insurance please". I hand it to him, "any problems"? I say. "No, just I noticed the back window was broken"... (thats another story, its covered with duct tape)..." making sure the vehicle isnt stolen, since I couldnt see your plate I pulled you over". "Where are you headed tonight" he says, in a friendly tone. "Taking my buddy Andre here for his birthday supper at Kelceys, see we just got finished volunteering at the Y 'teen night' where we make sure they have a safe place to hang out on friday nights...keep em off the streets, you know"? I grabbed my jacket and pulled it open to show the 'Y' logo on my shirt.
"Have a great night" He says, and walks away.

That was my non-adventuresome adventure of the day.